River Report

Salmon Lodge Fishing & River Report Sept 10th to 16th, 2018

The weather man was kind to us this past week giving us the rain we needed. We received  a good rain fall on Tuesday and Wednesday giving our rivers a much needed boost. After being exceptionally low for most of the season our water conditions were much better this week. 

Malinda Pike with her first Atlantic Salmon, congratulations Malinda, way to go! Nice Bonaventure fish.

Malinda Pike with her first Atlantic Salmon, congratulations Malinda, way to go! Nice Bonaventure fish.

The Bonaventure  went 5 cubic meters per second to 7 and Petite Cascapedia from 4 to 6 . The Grand Cascapedia received a good amount of rain as well , water levels are good with temperatures is in the 50 to 55 degree range and flowing at 11 per second from 7. Some beats fished well  while others weren’t as productive. 

Donald Dillport with a nice one from the Bonaventure, well done Don.

Donald Dillport with a nice one from the Bonaventure, well done Don.

A good number of nice salmon were landed along with a good number of grilse.  Cooler water conditions combined with big tides should be bringing a run of fish in this weekend and next week.

Michael Strijek landed this nice 15 lbs salmon on the Bonaventure guided by Salmon Lodge master guide Charles Binnet! nice one Michael!

Michael Strijek landed this nice 15 lbs salmon on the Bonaventure guided by Salmon Lodge master guide Charles Binnet! nice one Michael!

This week hot fly’s have been the Red Francis, Sun Ray Shadow and Silver Rat . The Ally shrimp along with the John Olin were responsible for a few more.

Long time Salmon Lodge friend and guest, Gerard Pichot with his first of 2018, good start Gerard!

Long time Salmon Lodge friend and guest, Gerard Pichot with his first of 2018, good start Gerard!

Dry’s are still working well, especially the Blue and Dark Brown Bomber. As long as our water temperatures remain in the 50 plus degree range, dry’s will continue to be productive.

Dominique Larde with his first Atlantic salmon from Canadian waters , congratulations Dominique!

Dominique Larde with his first Atlantic salmon from Canadian waters , congratulations Dominique!

Until next week

Tight lines,
